Public quotation

Quotation agreement
Entrepreneur Artemova I.V., further referred to as the Executor,  publishes the “providing services via the e-store” agreement, which is a public quotation (offer) to a natural person or a legal entity.
The payment for the Executor’s services signifies a full and absolute acceptance of agreement terms and conditions.

1. Subject of the agreement
1.1 Offering promoting Customer’s content services in social networks;
1.2 The Executor provides the Customer with the services listed on the website;
1.3 Information about the Customer’s content and data are given by Customer digitally in the appropriate section on the website exactly at the moment of making an order and being for the Executor indisputable and allows not bearing any responsibility and not returning money in the case of improper or incorrect filling data.

2. Payment
2.1 Customer makes a payment, according to the real prices shown in Services’ section on the website through digital payment services: Robokassa, Яндекс, PayPal and others;
2.2 After receiving the Customer’s payment, the Executor makes filling in given social platform (group, public, profile, page, post, questionnaire, voting and other cases) by traffic set and chosen by Customer on the website during 3(three) or more working days (depending on a quantify of units in order).

3. Limitation of liability
3.1 The service is provided on terms not supposing any guarantees from: charges off, traffic bans, and other possible cases, where customer’s content can be banned; traffic can be discarded and other sanctions by Social network. It is all caused that 3 sides take part in promotion: the Customer, the Executor and a Social Network, hence the Executor is not responsible for a Social network’s actions and doesn’t give any guarantees that the Customer’s content will not be adversely affected;
3.2 The Executor doesn’t give any guarantees about uninterrupted fulfillment of services (due to the section 3.1), If any of Social networks bans Customer’s content by their own, the Executor will not be responsible for any prejudices appeared due to the Customer’s usage of the Executor’s services;
3.3 Customer is fully responsible for safety and loss of content, which can be appeared in case of Social network’s actions (bans, sanctions and etc.).

4. Alteration of the contract
4.1 The Executor can change the agreement by publishing notifications about changing on the website
4.2 Changes connected with prices are published at least than 20 days before entry into force on the website

5. There are some forbidden subjects, which the Executor is within their right to refuse in Customer’s promotion.
5.1 It is forbidden to use the service in promotion:
1. Any swindler’s activity;
2. Any financial pyramids and gambling (including different illegal sms-dispatch services);
3. Erotic, sex, porno and prostitution;
4. Unfilled groups without any descriptions and dubious titles;
5. Forecasts, sport bets and all subjects connected with bookmakering;
6. Predictions, magic, numerology, astrology and subjects closely allied with;
7. Alcohol production;
8. Partners programs;
9. Extremism, violence, propaganda, racism.
5.2 If Customer’s content is forbidden by Russian Federation’s legislation, the Executor is on their right not to promote the subject and returns money to Customer, not filling the order. Customer’s is on their right to demand money due to impossibility of promotion by the Executor.

6. Essential elements
Entrepreneur Artemova Inna Viktorovna
In case of: arguments, complaints, regards, claim, repayment and other questions please sent messages to

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